20 Rules of Formatting Knowledge deck

I believe that spaced repetition is an excellent way to internalize knowledge, that time spent explicitly trying to optimize is usually worthwhile, and that that thinking meta is an important part of the optimization process. So it’s only natural that, fairly early on, I made a spaced repetition deck about how to make spaced repetition decks.

Piotr Wozniak, who created Supermemo, and who I find quite inspirational, has been making cards for more than a decade now, so instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, I went with his best practices.

After making this deck, the main effect I noticed was that I was using cloze deletion a lot more often and deleting fewer words per card than I had been before. I try to follow the rules as much as possible when I’m creating the cards, and then I think the even more important part is having the habit of noticing which cards I’m getting wrong more than a few times and reformatting them. 

Here’s the deck:

Download this file


3 responses to “20 Rules of Formatting Knowledge deck”

  1. Oliver Mayor Avatar
    Oliver Mayor

    Hurrah! Thanks for saving me the effort of creating this deck myself or asking you for SRS formatting tips.By the way, the illustrated portrait of Wozniak in the Wired article kind of resembles Michael Vassar.

  2. Divia Melwani Avatar
    Divia Melwani

    That’s true, it does look kinda like him! Maybe I have a (physical) type for intellectual inspiration…Speaking of which, what do you think about me making a deck about Michael Vassar’s worldview? Would you learn it?

  3. Oliver Mayor Avatar
    Oliver Mayor

    Depends on what’s in there, but most likely I’d be very interested in just a plaintext manifesto/list of Vassar aphorisms first. But either way: yeah, intriguing!

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