Tag: NVC

  • NVC and Requests

    At this point, I am very much in the habit of converting both my own and others’ statements to NVC. However, my increased focus on efficiency these days has made me realize that I tend to mostly ignore requests. I’m pretty consistent about expressing observations instead of evaluations, sharing my emotions, and tying them to…

  • What Do I Say When Someone Compliments My Baby?

    When someone compliments me, I often feel the impulse to downplay it or deny it, but I mostly just say “thank you.” Or, at least, that’s my plan for what to say. But when someone compliments my baby, I don’t have a plan; I’m confused about what response to give. If someone tells me how…

  • Hear me talk about NVC, the paleo diet, and more!

    Stephanie Murphy, a woman with whom I share many interests (including Nonviolent Communication, liberty, and paleo dieting) interviewed me for a bonus episode of her radio show, Porc Therapy: Pro-Freedom Relationship Talk. In the show I talk about: how Nonviolent Communication relates to the non-aggression principle how I got interested in all this personal growth…

  • NVC Question #12

    Question: Explain to me why “intimidated” is not a proper feeling-word. Answer: “Intimidated” isn’t an emotion—the word includes an interpretation of the situation. The emotion on its own would probably be fear, maybe anxiety, maybe some other mix. When you say “intimidated”, you’re also bringing up a story about the other person’s behavior, and I’d…