Tag: babies

  • Fourteen Weeks of Lydia

    Lydia is now fourteen weeks old, and it’s time for another summary. Sleep She’s doing about the same as last week. She got up early one day, and I was thinking that would be a pattern, but then she’s back to doing around 10-9:30 or so (with feeding in there). The biggest change is that…

  • Thirteen Weeks of Lydia

    As of today, Lydia has been outside of my body for thirteen whole weeks! Tomorrow, she will be three months old, which feels like a pretty big milestone. It’s already getting hard to remember what the early days were like, so I’ve decided to start the tradition of writing a weekly summary of how she’s…

  • Parenting Advice on Sleep

    Yesterday, I finally checked in with my friend Dee, who is now on her fifth baby. I trust her quite a bit on everything related to kids, so I wanted to summarize her advice where other people could benefit from it. Here it is: Her kids have had pretty different sleep patterns from each other.…

  • What Attachment Parenting Overlooks and Baby Schedulers Get Right

    Watching for nap cues and paying attention to optimal waketime length. At least, this has been true of the books I’ve read so far. I’m all for wearing Lydia most of the time during the day and co-sleeping with her at night, but after the first weeks where she would just fall asleep when she…

  • Why Are Babies Fussy in the Evening?

    Everyone knows that some babies, at least in the modern Western world, have times during the day where they’re fussy. They’ve been fed, their diaper is clean (and they don’t want to be taken to the potty, if they’re doing EC), and they’re either crying or would be crying if someone weren’t soothing them. In…