Author: divia

  • How to Talk to Kids deck

    I’ve been living with Tovar, my favorite five-year-old, for a little over a year now. I’ve always liked kids a lot, so when I moved in I knew my plan was to interact with him a bunch, and I wanted it to go as well as possible. I didn’t have much experience handling situations where…

  • Nonviolent Communication deck

    Nonviolent Communication has a lot of ridiculously useful communication advice. Of course, the hardest time to remember communication advice is in the middle of a conflict. Eventually, after getting frustrated with myself for not being able to remember how to do what the book said in the moment, I got an idea! If the problem…

  • PC laws of life

    One of my favorite heuristics for life is: act more like a PC, less like an NPC. I was brainstorming with a friend of mine about things to remember to act more like a PC, and there’s what we came up with:  -don’t do the same thing over and over again -when you see something you don’t…

  • Less Wrong Sequences as Tab-delimited Text File

    lesswrongcards.txt Download this file Now with Mysterious Answers to Mysterious Questions and A Human’s Guide to Words.

  • what’s on my mind

    If, in a dream in which you are fleeing from harm, you realize you are dreaming, you will still tend to continue escaping, even though you should now know that there is nothing to flee from. -Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming